Results for 'John A. Bull'

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  1.  18
    On the independence of stimulus control of avoidance.J. Bruce Overmier & John A. Bull - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):464.
  2.  43
    John Thomas Canty. Systems classically axiomatized and properly contained in Lewis's S3. Notre Dame Journal of formal logic, vol. 6 , pp. 309–318. [REVIEW]R. A. Bull - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (2):309.
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    Nicholas Rescher and Alasdair Urquhart. Temporal logic. Library of exact philosophy, vol. 3. Springer-Verlag, Vienna and New York1971, XVIII + 273 pp. - Nicholas Rescher and Alasdair Urquhart. Bibliography of temporal logic. Therein, pp. 259–267. - Nicholas Rescher and James Garson. Topological logic. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 33 no. 4 , pp. 537–548. A slightly revised version reprinted in Topics in philosophical logic, by Nicholas Rescher, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 1968, and Humanities Press, New York, 1969, pp. 229–244. - Nicholas Rescher and John Robison. Temporally conditioned descriptions. Ratio , vol. 8 , pp. 46–54. - Nicholas Rescher and John Robison. Zeitlich bedingte Kennzeichnungen. German translation of the preceding. Ratio , vol. 8 , pp. 40–47. [REVIEW]Robert A. Bull - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (2):252-253.
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    A Politically Liberal Conception of Civic Education.Barry L. Bull - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):449-460.
    Liberal political theory is widely believed to be an inadequate source of civic commitment and thus of civic education primarily because of its commitment to what is perceived as a pervasive individualism. In this paper, I explore the possibility that John Rawls’s later political philosophy may provide a response to this belief. I first articulate a conception of liberal politics derived from Rawls’s idea of reflective equilibrium that generates an overlapping consensus about political principles among those who hold a (...)
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    A Bull of a Man: Images of Masculinity, Sex, and the Body in Indian Buddhism, by John Powers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009. 334pp., 10 halftones, Hb $45.00, ISBN-13: 9780674033290. [REVIEW]Alice Collett - 2010 - Buddhist Studies Review 27 (1):115-117.
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    Policy implications of social justice in education.Barry Bull - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (2):141-152.
    This article analyzes the implications of a particular conception of social justice in education for the policies that have led to significant political controversies in contemporary communities in the United States. Many of these controversies have arisen from the collision between the increasingly multicultural reality in those communities and the accountability system that has during the past decade or so been imposed on the schools by standards-based reformers in the federal and state governments. For this task, the article considers the (...)
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  7. Fine-tuning and the infrared bull’s-eye.John T. Roberts - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 160 (2):287-303.
    I argue that the standard way of formalizing the fine-tuning argument for design is flawed, and I present an alternative formalization. On the alternative formalization, the existence of life is not treated as the evidence that confirms design; instead it is treated as part of the background knowledge, while the fact that fine tuning is required for life serves as the evidence. I argue that the alternative better captures the informal line of thought that gives the fine-tuning argument its intuitive (...)
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    Triumphus in Palatio.John F. Miller - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (3):409-422.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Triumphus in PalatioJohn F. MillerAs one of the many tokens of its symbolic centrality in Roman culture, the Capitoline Hill received the triumphator at the end of his ceremonial return to Rome. For centuries generals who had been granted a triumphus concluded the elaborate sacral procession through the city with a sacrifice at the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the god most intimately associated with this religious institution.1 The (...)
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    Aristotle's Rhetoric: An Art of Character (review).John T. Kirby - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (4):651-653.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristotle’s Rhetoric: An Art of CharacterJohn T. KirbyEugene Garver. Aristotle’s Rhetoric: An Art of Character. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1995. xii + 344 pp. Cloth, $53.95; paper, $18.95.The history of Aristotle’s Rhetoric has been one of cyclical obscurity and rediscovery. Arguably the single greatest work of rhetorical theory ever penned, in any time or culture, its popularity and influence seem to wax and wane (...)
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    Viral ion channels: molecular modeling and simulation.Mark S. P. Sansom, Lucy R. Forrest & Richard Bull - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (12):992-1000.
    In a number of membrane-bound viruses, ion channels are formed by integral membrane proteins. These channel proteins include M2 from influenza A, NB from influenza B, and, possibly, Vpu from HIV-1. M2 is important in facilitating uncoating of the influenza A viral genome and is the target of amantadine, an anti-influenza drug. The biological roles of NB and Vpu are less certain. In all cases, the protein contains a single transmembrane α-helix close to its N-terminus. Channels can be formed by (...)
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  11. Stability and Justification in Hume's Treatise (review).John P. Wright - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):562-564.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 562-564 [Access article in PDF] Louis E. Loeb. Stability and Justification in Hume's Treatise. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi + 280. Cloth, $42.50. As is well known, in the last year of his life, Hume repudiated his Treatise of Human Nature in an Advertisement that he had placed at the front of the volume of his writings containing (...)
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    Another Music: Polemics and Pleasures.John McCormick - 2008 - Routledge.
    As the essays in this book attest, in a time of specialization John McCormick chose diversification, a choice determined by a life spent in many occupations and many countries. After his five years in the U. S. Navy in the Second World War, the academy beckoned by way of the G. I. Bill, graduate training, and a career in teaching. Prosperity in the American university at the time meant setting up as a "Wordsworth man," a "Keats man," or a (...)
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  13.  21
    The Founding of the Russian Empire in Asia and America.Chauncey S. Goodrich & John A. Harrison - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):416.
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    Analyses of parent-infant interaction.Ewart A. Thomas & John A. Martin - 1976 - Psychological Review 83 (2):141-156.
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    Decisions following reading and bias in recall.Vicky Timme, Alice Corkill & John A. Glover - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (2):77-78.
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    China.Chan Wing-Tsit, A. G. Wenley & John A. Pope - 1945 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 65 (3):211.
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  17. Public Stem Cell Banks.Hilary Bok Mueller Agnew, Danw Brock, Aravinda Chakravarti, Xiao-Jiang Gao, Mark Greene, John A. Hansen, Patricia A. King, Stephen J. O'brien, David H. Sachs & Kathryn E. Schill - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (6):13-27.
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    Ethical problems in engineering.Philip Langdon Alger, N. A. Christensen, Sterling P. Olmsted, Barrington S. Havens & John A. Miller (eds.) - 1965 - New York,: J. Wiley.
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    What factors influence participation in an exercise-focused, employer-based wellness program?Jean M. Abraham, Roger Feldman, John A. Nyman & Nathan Barleen - 2011 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 48 (3):221-241.
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  20. Transformations of Urban and Suburban Landscapes: Perspectives From Philosophy, Geography, and Architecture.Ruth Connell, Francis Conroy, Mary A. Hague, James Hatley, David Macauley, John A. Scott, Derek Shanahan & Nancy Siegel (eds.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    The study of landscape and place has become an increasingly fertile realm of inquiry in the humanities and social sciences. In this new book of essays, selected from presentations at the first annual meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Geography, scholars investigate the experiences and meanings that inscribe urban and suburban landscapes. Gary Backhaus and John Murungi bring philosophy and geography into a dialogue with a host of other disciplines to explore a fundamental dialectic: while our collective and (...)
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  21.  20
    Correction to: ``Survey of generalizations of Urquhart semantics''.R. A. Bull - 1988 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 30 (1):151-153.
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    Serotonin transporter genotype modulates functional connectivity between amygdala and PCC/PCu during mood recovery.Zhuo Fang, Senhua Zhu, Seth J. Gillihan, Marc Korczykowski, John A. Detre & Hengyi Rao - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Four Different Paths under the Contraception Mandate.John M. Haas, John A. Di Camillo, Edward J. Furton, Marie T. Hilliard & Tadeusz Pacholczyk - 2012 - Ethics and Medics 37 (10):1-4.
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  24.  34
    On the extension of S4 with $CLMpMLp$.R. A. Bull - 1967 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8 (4):325-329.
  25.  21
    The selective displaced rehearsal hypothesis and failure to obtain the generation effect.Jolena A. Sutherland, Damon Krug & John A. Glover - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (5):413-415.
  26. Papers Presented at the Regional Conference for Central English-Speaking Canada.J. M. S. Careless, Claude Thomas Bissell, John A. Irving & Humanities Research Council of Canada - 1950 - S.N.
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  27. Language and mlndstyle ln anglophone popular.Romantlc Flctlon Under Apartheld & John A. Stotesbury - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14:18.
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    Rural Trends in Diagnosis and Services for Autism Spectrum Disorder.Ligia Antezana, Angela Scarpa, Andrew Valdespino, Jordan Albright & John A. Richey - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  29. Grammatica speculativa. Sprachtheorie und Logik des Mittelalters. Band I: Sophismata. Band II: Tractatus de suppositionibus. [REVIEW]Jan Pinborg, Helmut Kohlenberg, Johannes Buridanus, T. K. Scott, Vincent Ferrer & John A. Trentman - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (1):141-142.
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  30. Problems of Philosophy a Book of Readings [by] John A. Mourant [and] E. Hans Freund.John A. Mourant & Ernest Hans Freund - 1964 - Macmillan.
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  31. RJW Evans and TV Thomas, eds, Crown Church and Estates: Central European Politics in the 16th and 17th Centuries (New York: St Martin's Press, 1991), Studies in. [REVIEW]Klaus Berger, James M. Blythe, Albert Boime, Sandi E. Cooper, John A. Davies, Paul Ginsberg, Aleksa Djilas, Didier Eribon & Trans Betsy Wing - 1992 - South African Journal of Philosophy 11:24.
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    Embodied contextualization: Towards a multistratal ontological treatment.John A. Bateman, Mihai Pomarlan & Gayane Kazhoyan - 2019 - Applied ontology 14 (4):379-413.
    A fundamental issue concerning the treatment of meaning in context is how to deal with the extremely flexible relationship that appears to hold between descriptions, which are taken as the exchange...
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  33.  11
    A Hindu Critique of Buddhist Epistemology: Kumārila on Perception : the "Determination of Perception" Chapter of Kum̄arila Bhaṭṭa's Ślokavārttika : Translation and Commentary.John A. Taber & Kumåarila Bhaòtòta - 2005 - New York: Psychology Press. Edited by Kumārila Bhaṭṭa.
    This is a translation of the chapter on perception of Kumarilabhatta's magnum opus, the Slokavarttika, one of the central texts of the Hindu response to the criticism of the logical-epistemological school of Buddhist thought. In an extensive commentary, the author explains the course of the argument from verse to verse and alludes to other theories of classical Indian philosophy and other technical matters. Notes to the translation and commentary go further into the historical and philosophical background of Kumarila's ideas. The (...)
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  34.  9
    A formal analysis of conditionals.John A. Barker - 1969 - [Carbondale,:
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    Are value judgments synthetic a posteriori?John A. Bailey - 1978 - Ethics 89 (1):35-57.
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    Global Christian Forum: A New initiative for the Second Century of Ecumenism.John A. Radano - 2010 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 27 (1):28-35.
    This article looks at the Global Christian Forum as a new initiative in the historical context of the modern ecumenical movement and from a Catholic point of view. It puts the GCF in three perspectives: as a new stage in ecumenical development, as part of a turning point in ecumenical history and as a new impulse of the Holy Spirit. By bringing in the Evangelicals and Pentecostals, the GCF has widened the range of church families in conversation with one another. (...)
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  37. The Two Cities: A Study of God and Human Politics.John A. Hutcheson - 1957
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  38.  12
    Unsupervised clustering of context data and learning user requirements for a mobile device.John A. Flanagan - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 155--168.
  39. Does subliminality matter to social psychology? Awareness of the stimulus versus awareness of its influence.John A. Bargh - 1992 - In Robert F. Bornstein & Thane S. Pittman, Perception Without Awareness: Cognitive, Clinical, and Social Perspectives. New York: Guilford.
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  40. (1 other version)A defense of dualism.John A. Foster - 1989 - In John R. Smythies & John Beloff, The Case for Dualism. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
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    A janus face upon religion from scientific materialism.John A. Teske - 2005 - Zygon 40 (2):289-298.
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    A test for conditioned inhibition in motor learning.John A. Starkweather & Carl P. Duncan - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (5):351.
  43. (1 other version)7. John C. H. Wu and the Evangelization of China.John A. Lindbloom - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 8 (2).
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    A Concordance to the Critique of Pure Reason.John A. Reuscher & Jay Reuscher - 1996 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    The Concordance is designed around units of philosophical sense whose limits in the text are indicated to the line. Unlike research tools based merely on the occurrence of key words (e.g., cause), it provides precise and complete information about not only the location but also the diversity of content in all the items covered by its survey. Furthermore it provides the capability for tracing the family of topics to which a particular text may belong. In short, the Concordance tells you (...)
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  45.  14
    Mencius and Japanese Confucian Philosophy.John A. Tucker - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 359-376.
    This chapter surveys the philosophical vicissitudes of the ancient Confucian classic, the Mencius, in Japanese history, from the earliest references in the eighth century through contemporary times. It highlights the contested, controversial reception of the Mencius which no doubt had virtually everything to do not with its position on human nature but rather its relatively unequivocal readiness to confront the problem of tyrannic government and deal with it in no uncertain terms, remonstrating with those tyrants willing to listen and then, (...)
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  46.  33
    The Development of Logic.John A. Oesterle - 1963 - New Scholasticism 37 (3):373-376.
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    Intellectuals and the Chinese state.John A. Rapp - 1989 - Theory and Society 18 (6):869-883.
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    Timothy Murray (2008) Digital Baroque: New Media Art and Cinematic Folds.John A. Riley - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):422-429.
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    Emotions, embodied cognition and the adaptive unconscious: a complex topography of the social making of things.John A. Smith - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Emotions, Embodied Cognition and the Adaptive Unconscious argues for the need to consider many other factors, drawn from disciplines such as socio-biology, evolutionary psychology, the study of the emotions, the adaptive unconscious, the senses and conscious deliberation in analysing the complex topography of social action and the making of things. These factors are taken as ecological conditions that shape the contemporary expression of complex societies, not as constraints on human plasticity Without 'foundations', complex society cannot exist nor less evolve. This (...)
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    Creative Interchange.John A. Broyer & William Sherman Minor (eds.) - 1982 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Henry Nelson Wieman’s most distinctive philosophical contributions are his identification of creative interchange as the ultimate process in human experience through which people and their institutions are able to create, sustain, improve, and cor­rect their value perspectives and, equally important, his description of creative inter­change in psychological, sociological, histor­ical, religious, and institutional contexts as subject inquiry and the experimental test of consequences. This massive collection, thirty-three orig­inal essays with an appendix and index, rep­resents the first formal attempt to consider fully (...)
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